The recipe for success in the Department of Control Engineering is the systemic approach, industry contacts, and interdisciplinary research to achieve high-quality results at the right time.
As a leading institution in the field of control systems in the Czech Republic, we have always directed our research toward modern technologies and ideas shaping our world. Interaction with the industry through research centers, European projects, and regular contacts has led us to monitor the societal needs in cybernetics and computer science.
Analysis of problems, finding connections, and model creation form the basis of our activities, as outlined by Zdeněk Kotek when our department was founded. This allows us to respond to technological changes and develop application know-how flexibly. Automating processes to achieve optimal solutions represents a synthetic part of our research, bringing significant savings in labor, energy, and concerns for users of our results.
Specific industrial applications and publication results in leading journals and conferences can be found in categorized lists.