The aim of the project is to implement a cooperative control technique for the formation control of multiple mobile robots, which exist at the Intelligent and Mobile Robotics (IMR) laboratory in CIIRC-CVUT. The robots (TurtleBot), which are differential drive, are able to communicate via a wireless protocol. The displacements of the robots with respect to each other will be measured by the industrial cameras. The first goal of the project is to ensure the movement of the robots on x-y plane forming a pre-determined shape such as triangle, line, circular etc. The appropriate consensus algorithm will be performed via simulations, and then implemented. The second goal is to provide flocking with obstacle avoidance.
For application, please send an e-mail Baran [dot] Alikoccvut [dot] cz,Libor [dot] Preucil
cvut [dot] cz and Miroslav [dot] Kulich
cvut [dot] cz with your CV, and a paragraph explaining your interest and motivation. Experience in robotic applications, ROS and MATLAB is preferred.